Zero Downside Delegation

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Zero Downside Delegation
Blake Emal
July 11, 2024

Effective delegation starts by letting yourself (and your assistant) fail in low-stakes ways.

Here's how to delegate zero-downside tasks to build your delegation muscles:

  1. Start with "time-only" risks → Choose tasks where the worst outcome is time spent, like research summaries or first drafts. This is your practice ground for delegation.
  2. Define minimum wins → Don't ask for perfection. Request specific, achievable outcomes like "find 3 interesting data points" or "outline 2 potential solutions." Make success clear and measurable.

Over time, being engaged with your assistant will help enable you to decrease “fails”:

  1. Use 2-minute feedback → Scan quickly for value, make a binary keep/revise decision, and give one specific direction for improvement. No lengthy reviews or detailed critiques.
  2. Iterate rapidly → When something misses the mark, treat it as a learning opportunity. Refine your instructions and let your assistant try again with better guidance.

As you both get comfortable with these low-stakes wins, gradually increase task complexity.

Trust grows from consistent small successes. Even when a safe task "fails," short-term imperfection helps build long-term capability.